The Rumour Generator


The new must have party card game. We supply the words, you create the rumours. Simple. Combine your words with the group, or play against each other to make the funniest or offensive rumours you can. We selected 150 of the best/worst words to ensure plenty of laughs, tears and death stares.


Many ways to play


Each player gets 15 cards. A player starts by placing a word to start the rumour. Take it in turns adding a word to the rumour until someone can't place a word. That player is then out and the rest of the group continue until there is only one player left. The winner.


Setup like Classic, however, players must stack the words. Before placing your word, you must recite the entire rumour. Can't recite? You're out. Last player must recite the rumour correctly to win. If not, you're all losers. Ha. Ha.

You vs Them

Play in teams or on your own. Using 20 cards, create the best rumours using your own words. Best rumour decided by group wins.

Card Me Bitch

Play like Classic, however, once a player successfully places a word, they then pick up a new word from the main deck. Bigger rumours. Bigger laughs. Works best in smaller groups.
